Thursday 24 January 2008

So rude.

Driving back to base. With Big Mike(names changed to protect the innocent).
Black Caribean officer, two years to go. Mid 40s, built like a brick shithouse. Makes Hi-Tower in police accademy look puny, but soft as anything.
Sitting in the traffic when a dispatch rider cylces up the pavement.
I mentioned it so he pulled up, wound down the window and extremely politely pointed out that the cyclist had broken the law.
The Git replied "What ever"
I don't do politeness, so I leapt from the car with fixed penalty in hand.
I get accused of "Abusing your Authority"
"Abuse of authority, I'll show you abuse of authority when I arrest you. What ID have you got?"
More abuse from the twat with the clever mouth.
Just then a traffic unit pulled up to enquire if we needed any help.
"Just the code for cycling on the pavement" which they promptly provided.
Apparently Mike explained to the gobby twat that yes I could arrest him for cycling on the pavement if he couldn't prove who he was. And that I definately would.
He rumaged through his rucksack and volunteered a bank statement with his name and address on it.
Happy I completed his ticket. £30 for being rude to a police officer!
Mike said as we drove off. "I'm glad I've got two years to go, in my day i'd have punched him".

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