Tuesday 15 January 2008

The Perfect Ambush

This one tickles me. I Used to go all over London carrying out ANPR (automated number plate reader) operations.
Well one of the hits lead to the usual pillars or should that be pillows of society trying to persuade me that his lack of tax was an oversight, yes he had got insurance, it was his mates car, his mate was called John, no he didn't know his mates surname, no he didn't know where his mate lived, they drank together and yes he had a full license.
"Ok, What colour is your driving license photocard".
a) Pink - correct answer.
b) Green - wrong answer.
c) I've got the old style license - Git answer
d) "It's a fair cop guv" - true answer

or "That colour" pointing to a block of flats built out of dirty yellow London bricks.

I looked at him.
He smirked.
I looked at him.
He positively beamed at me.
I said nothing.
He looked expectantly waiting for me to say something.
I pulled out my warrant card holder.
His face changed to slight puzzlement.
I pulled out my photcard (thumb over my personal details)
He sagged, he stumbled, he shrunk 2".
I explained that we were going to play a different game that went along the lines of convince of who you are or I'll be drinking tea in the canteen whilst your drinking Maxpacs in a cell for the rest of the day.
I arrested him anyway.
Well he'd lied to me already so I'm not going to believe anything he tells me.
Afterwards I reflected that he obviously doesn't even associate with anyone who has a full UK license.
Still earnt some overtime out of it.

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