Saturday, 3 May 2008

What Boris needs to do!!

Oh how naive you all are. Put more police on the street you say. Put conductors on buses. Give them radios so they can call police. Conductors would work if you go back to the old days. You know the violent drunk giving the conductor grief. The Driver would run round to the bus and whack the offending individual with a starting handle.
Oh dear these days the extra police would be obliged to arrest the driver, the violent drunk would go to hospital to be treated as a victim. If the police didn’t jump to his tune he would be able to make a complaint. The case is reviewed by the Crown Prosecution Service who make their judgement on the grounds of whether there is more than a 50% probability of a successful prosecution not whether justice would be served.
Police need to be granted the discretion of the old days, to turn round to the alleged victim and say “you had that coming mate” and not fear disciplinary action. Obviously there still needs some supervisory oversight to exercise common sense which these days appears to have evaporated. But oversight should be by the sergeants and inspectors not by a committee of rabid police hating axe grinders that these days leave police officer in dread of doing the job they joined to do.
Then there are there’s the problem of youths hanging around committing anti-social crimes. Ah but they’ve got nothing to do I hear them say. Well as my neighbour pointed out. After the war there was no youth facilities. But they didn’t go smashing up bus stop. They didn’t hang around on street corner drinking beer. Didn’t harass a mother into murdering her disabled daughter and kill herself. Didn’t throw stones at a pensioner’s house at all hours causing a heart attack. Didn’t return with their mates to commit GBH on workmen who intervene to protect children from firework lobbing yobs. No the clip round the ear prevented it from ever getting to that stage in the first place.
You pay for a fluorescent clad, professional, anti-racist, anti homophobic, socially representative, disinterested, tamed police service with the lives and health of the innocent who were just trying to live their lives.
Boris, unleash the dogs of justice. Suburbia will be safer in weeks; inner cities will take a little longer.

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