Friday, 17 August 2007

Points make Public Transport

I hate drivers using mobile phones.
I probably ruined the life of one of them the other day.
He didn't even see me until I thumped on his windscreen as he slowly drove past me.
"Have you got a license". I think I meant "Your license".
He produced this letter from the DVLA.
"Following your disqualification and subsequent application for a driving license, This letter authorises you to drive until your license is issued".
I suppose I should have been more professional and enquired if he knew how many points he had, instead I just gave him the ticket, fully explaining £60 and 3 Points etc.
When I got back to base the control room insisted on checking.
11 points for drink drive.
Oh well I suppose I'll have to go to court with this one then.
Looking forward to having the defence Liar slag me off whilst the Muppets look on.

Grazes on vegetables. No danger to those at the top of the food chain. Occasional might swat some carnivor if they anoy him. This one intends to retire at 49 on a nice pension, if he lives that long.
P - Pride
I - Integrity
G - Genius

As for Nazis, well, only a wanabee criminal Anarchist would be so pathetic.

Just think though. Anarchy existed before civilisation.
Where do you find Anarchy these days, apart from the streets of London and probably every major UK city?

Well Anonymous. You little bed wetter.
Couldn't mummy fit you in. Too busy with clients and Uncles was she. Did you need to interfere with you brother instead. Or was she selling your ass instead.

No seriously if it weren’t for the boys in blue, all these numptys, would be part of a mass grave, probably the moment they opened their mouth and let out the shrill screech they think is humorous social comment.
Well Anonymous Whilst I’m living abroad enjoying my retirement in my villa, with my children and grandchildren you’ll be there surrounded by you cousin/brothers, daughter/sisters, father/uncles, mother/aunts, with your banjo on your knee in your drunken drug induced haze festering in remains of the last weeks take aways.