Monday, 31 December 2007

Predictions for 2008 in response to the question in the Daily Telegraph

I predict that in light of the fear of erosion of civil liberties and freedom and the bias of anti discrimination, even more draconian yet ineffective laws will be passed and found only to be an efficient deterrent against law abiding citizens going about the legitimate business.
Many more people, vulnerable through age, illness or position in society will be harassed to an untimely death, perhaps taking with them some of their dependants in the most horrific circumstances as society rings its hands and shouts that something should be done.
I predict that Police services will be shown to be more effective next year but police officer will be more demoralised by the petty treatment dished out, probably in revenge for the Miner’s strike of the 80s and the ever increasing restrictions, legislation and bureaucracy.
1.9% when MPs awarded themselves 2% with £10,000 increase of allowances.
PCSOs will continue to embarrass themselves with only those who have yet to experience their ineffectualness and those who dare not speak the truth for fear of the repercussions. Without denigrating individuals some of whom would have made, some who will make good constables, why would you employ a group of people who have to patrol in pairs, which makes them more expensive than a single police officer, have very limited police powers, little training, are allowed, no encouraged to run away from confrontations, are not obliged to deal with anything. Ending up fighting on Westminster Bridge over whose turn it is to carry the radio. But PCSOs got their 2.5% backdated to September. They get paid more than an ITU nurse
The NHS will continue to be an open financial sore, attracting some of our brightest and best, then jaundicing them, creating a dependency culture focused on improving the care and conditions of its staff without equal improvement for its patients because there is no natural motivation in the target led bureaucracy laden empire that saps moral idealism as it does national resources, than to meet targets by whatever means available. Everybody knows it’s a lie no one will admits it because the whole pack of cards would collapse if they did ending up with the Government itself. Supervisors bump up their figures and get a pat on the back. Soon their colleagues are doing it too, because their managers aren’t interested in anything but good news, and it spreads.
The armed Services will continue to be exploited and underfunded. Injured servicemen will be abandoned. The MOD budget will continue to bloat ensuring Civil servants have the correct computer chairs, whilst the armed services will struggle for funds for essential equipment and make do with poorly designed equipment chosen by civil servants who will never be called upon to wear or use it in combat.
Schools will continue to meet targets and improve their performance whilst pupils will continue to leave ill prepared to deal with life and protected by the Benefit Systems from any dire consequences for their indifferent educational achievements.
The Social Security system will continue to cause stagnation in the employment market removing the mobility that initially drew the current unemployed’s forbears to the inner cities during the industrial revolution. Rewarding single mums and the irresponsible absent fathers whilst punishing working families.
I tell people about a conversation I had at a party with a man who was of Cypriot origins and had recently returned to visit his family. It usually raises a look of horror on their faces. He had been clubbing with his cousins and was standing in the street at 2am chatting with them, when they were approached by a police officer. The Officer enquired what they were doing there. They said just chatting. The officer told them to go and chat at home. I asked what he said to that. He said nothing, you don’t argue with the police there.
But should groups of people gather and chat. One group maybe innocently chatting another may not be so innocent. All large groups might be perceived to be intimidating especially if they’re a bit boisterous. They might also be seen as a target by other groups, especially particularly young groups. By surrendering a minor freedom that the vast majority would not wish to exercise, society in general can enjoy the freedom of not feeling dread as they walk the streets or fear in their own homes if groups congregate outside it.
Of course there need to be an effective means of dispersal. And this is where I write myself off as a crank in eyes of the intelligentsia. But then if you took the time to think, it’s “not nice people” who are committing the offences for whom all these superficially draconian laws would be an effective deterrent. Who thought an ASBO would cure anything. It’s not fines, because only those in employment or whose parents are in employment will be obliged to pay them. It’s not prison because it doesn’t reform anybody. Just protects society and punishes which are both necessary and laudable but ultimately futile if used against too many people in society. It’s what most working and lower middle class grandfathers told you about with a tear in their eye. You know the one about the local PC giving them a thick ear, taking you home and then your father giving you a thick ear because you brought a police officer to their door.
Oh dear all the problems it would cause. All those professionals by passed and now superfluous, not that there are currently, nor could we ever afford to employ enough of them anyway as the demand would be ever increasing. All those magistrates who would have time on their hands. All those probation officers, The Youth offending teams, Social Services, etc who are doing such an effective job at present with time on their hands to deal with those they might make an impression on if they could dedicate sufficient time and resources.
As for the NHS privatise it by giving it to the staff. Hey suddenly they are motivated by having an interest in their business as well as their ideals and freed of the meaningless disruptive targets imposed by Government. Give patients the choice of which hospital they wish to go to. Give patients their own budget and a choice of which GP they go to. So the better the GP the more income they attract. Let The Dept Health operate as an insurance company instead of a supplier. Bad hospitals would close. New hospitals would open where there was demand. Staff would be paid according to the market as opposed to whatever Gordon Brown feels like paying them this year.
Skooling. Sorry but bring back corporal punishment as an option of last resort prior to expulsion. If parents don’t like it then make sure your children behave or face all of your benefits being stopped.
Lets also think of different ways of solving societies problems other than giving people money. Oxfam understand it with their “Give a man a fish, feed him for a day, give him a net and he can feed himself for a lifetime” sentiment. Meanwhile we let the gobbie idiots persuade the government that anything but giving every greater amounts of money to ever greater numbers of people is demeaning. We are encouraging the growth an underclass who have never known anybody who has been in employment. Have no educational aspirations. Have no ambition in life except to have a good time. Are unable to rationalise when the adverse occurs and retaliate against the society which they perceive is failing to provide for their needs.
Still turned out nice again.

Friday, 12 October 2007

Stupid Racists

Screams from the People carrier parked on the pavement. A child or woman screaming let me out you can't do this. Oh dear. Can't really ignore this one. I ran across the road to rescue this victim of crime.
I yelled at the black driver to stay where he was whilst on the phone asking for assistance.
He totally ignored me, got out of the car and ran towards me.
Training took hold. I shouted "Get back" at him
The passenger door then opened and a fat white middle aged man came out cussing and swearing trying to assault the driver.
What the hell was going on?
He was trying to get at the driver who I was now having to protect.
Then he said it.
Two white women got out one a bit hysterical who tried to assault the driver as well.
Then the cavalry arrived. They wanted to square it up. Too right had I been in their position, I'd have given it a go too.
I was very tired on my way home and the stupid fat loud mouth wouldn't shut up when I told him too.
I just snapped your being arrested for racially aggravated affray and cautioned him.
One of the women started to cry blaming it on the driver. He'd took then the long way round. Then he'd locked them in the car when they'd refused to pay the taxi fare.
Then the fat racist started to try and abuse me. She his wife was taking an exam in the morning. I had destroyed the families chances because without him at home there would be no one to take care of the kids.
Her exam was their hope and dreams of a better life. I had ruined it all.
It was all my fault.
I put him in the van.
The wife slumped down on a wall.
She said that obviously she had to be careful but she would never use a taxi driven by a person like that again.
What was the point.
Has no one every been ripped off by a white taxi driver in the history of cabbying.
Was it worth getting arrested over a couple of quid extra on a taxi ride.
Why couldn't they have said thank goodness officer this gentleman has been taking us for a ride, can you help us.
But after I'd slammed his cell door and started to writing my statement, I thought its all wrong. What had the system required me to do. I'd done what was required and intended but I hadn't changed any of those idiots minds, all I'd done had made them more careful about what they said and where they said it.
I realised that the establishment and race relations industry had got it all wrong. Educate them, persuade them. But don't force the bigots underground with threat of punishment. Expose their sad little lives and sad little thoughts. Challenge them and educate them.
But then why should the Establishment worry. They, their families and houses are protected by armed policeman and whisked about in armoured limousines. They only have to meet with the hoy poloy at election time or in sterile conditions of their own choosing. The race relations campaigners are just seeking their path into the establishment. as long as it gets votes they'll say what they need to without examining alternative strategies that might not sound so sexy as throwing racist into jail.

Wednesday, 10 October 2007

Fluorescent Placebo

You join young and idealistic.
Protect the weak and vulnerable.
Bring Criminals to Justice.
They give you a fluorescent jacket so that the public can see you.
Funny the criminals can see you too.
Funny the criminals don't have a senior management stupid enough to make them wear fluorescent clothing.
Funny only really stupid unobservant criminals would commit a crime where there is a police officer with a fluorescent jacket on.
Funny crimes seem to occur when a police officer in a fluorescent jacket isn't present.
Solution more police officers in fluorescent jackets...
Recruit some numptys to wear fluorescent jackets, but don't give them any responsibility.
No police canteen should be without a group of PCSOs drinking tea.
I could be a senior police manager.

Friday, 7 September 2007

Youthful looks

People often get my age wrong, 15 years was the best. (He's my new best friend).
Anyway went to advise someone about their driving.
Word to the wise if the Policeman hasn't got a pen and fixed penalty notice in his hand don't argue.
So a quiet word quickly turned to a direction to park it up over there, we'll talk.
Not really wanting to end up writing a ticket, I embarked on the ploy of "I'd rather educate you than stick you on"
"you educate me, how old are you, sonny"?
Me "40"
Him "Oh 36"
Seeing how this was going. I thought kick him whilst he's down.
Me " Whats the largest vehicle you can drive?"
Him "7 1/2 tonnes"
Me "40 Ton, articulated and I'm a police driver"
Him deflated "Oh I drive for my living"
I though let him have that one, ignore the police car parked across the road.
We ended up agreeing that the cycle lane may be a bad idea but he was grateful when I told him that the council warden would be enforcing it and that whilst I could give him a ticket with three points on his license for going over the stop line, they'd just send penalty notices in the post with the usual charity they reserve for parking offences.
We shook hands and parted.

Friday, 17 August 2007

Points make Public Transport

I hate drivers using mobile phones.
I probably ruined the life of one of them the other day.
He didn't even see me until I thumped on his windscreen as he slowly drove past me.
"Have you got a license". I think I meant "Your license".
He produced this letter from the DVLA.
"Following your disqualification and subsequent application for a driving license, This letter authorises you to drive until your license is issued".
I suppose I should have been more professional and enquired if he knew how many points he had, instead I just gave him the ticket, fully explaining £60 and 3 Points etc.
When I got back to base the control room insisted on checking.
11 points for drink drive.
Oh well I suppose I'll have to go to court with this one then.
Looking forward to having the defence Liar slag me off whilst the Muppets look on.

Grazes on vegetables. No danger to those at the top of the food chain. Occasional might swat some carnivor if they anoy him. This one intends to retire at 49 on a nice pension, if he lives that long.
P - Pride
I - Integrity
G - Genius

As for Nazis, well, only a wanabee criminal Anarchist would be so pathetic.

Just think though. Anarchy existed before civilisation.
Where do you find Anarchy these days, apart from the streets of London and probably every major UK city?

Well Anonymous. You little bed wetter.
Couldn't mummy fit you in. Too busy with clients and Uncles was she. Did you need to interfere with you brother instead. Or was she selling your ass instead.

No seriously if it weren’t for the boys in blue, all these numptys, would be part of a mass grave, probably the moment they opened their mouth and let out the shrill screech they think is humorous social comment.
Well Anonymous Whilst I’m living abroad enjoying my retirement in my villa, with my children and grandchildren you’ll be there surrounded by you cousin/brothers, daughter/sisters, father/uncles, mother/aunts, with your banjo on your knee in your drunken drug induced haze festering in remains of the last weeks take aways.